In the lightspeed world of technology startups and commercialization, confusion is more than just a hurdle—it’s a critical threat that can stifle innovation, delay product launches, and erode trust with both customers and investors. Whether it’s an unclear product message, a misaligned team, or a complex user interface, confusion can silently kill momentum and drain […]
Category: Employers
Cracking the Code: How to Optimize Workplace Communications for Maximum Impact
Let’s chat about something that can make or break your work life – communication. Yep, we’re diving into the nitty-gritty of how often, how much, and in what way we should be talking to each other at work. This post is meant to outline best practices for employee communications, with a focus on cadence and […]
How to Effectively Onboard New Employees with a 90-day Roadmap
Hiring the perfect candidate is only half the battle – ensuring they ramp up quickly and become a productive, engaged member of the team is equally crucial. An effective 90-day onboarding plan can make all the difference in setting new hires up for long-term success. A well-designed roadmap covers everything from their first-day welcomes to […]
Key Takeaways from “The Power of Hidden Teams” HBR Article
After reading The Power of Hidden Teams by Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall on Harvard Business Review, I was compelled to share key insights. The article and supporting research provided surprising insights and actionable recommendations to address a passion of mine: employee engagement and retention. I hope you find as much value in reading the […]
Eleven Best Practices for Crafting an Effective Careers Section for Your Corporate Website
For the majority of the 22-year history of my company, I paid little attention to our Careers Page. It was a place to post jobs, as far as I was concerned. In 2013, I restructured my digital marketing agency, which required aggressive recruiting and a re-evaluation of our Careers section. It took years to fine-tune […]
Creating Effective Stay Interviews to Improve Employee Engagement and Retention
Employee engagement and retention are both costly and common among organizations. Fortunately, there is one affordable and effective strategy companies can implement proven to dramatically increase both employee retention and engagement: stay interviews. Stay interviews are structured conversations between managers and their direct reports to understand what motivates employees to stay with the company. They […]
Employee Bonuses: Effective Options for Driving Engagement, Retention and Performance
Many businesses have completed their annual strategic planning for 2024, including setting goals and associated key performance indicators (KPIs). Unfortunately, a meaningful percentage of those businesses will struggle to achieve their goals due to a lack of employee buy-in. One potentially effective way to align employees with leadership is via a bonus structure. In this […]
One Way Your Company is Currently Failing with Employee Engagement
Curating a compelling employee experience has been an obsession of mine since selling my business in 2022. Since then, I’ve identified Why Your Company Needs a Comprehensive Employee and Customer Experience Plan and created a roadmap for Auditing the employee journey. I’ve also helped entrepreneurs and business leaders Learn how to increase company revenue, profit […]
The Great Resignation: How it May Impact You
You may have heard the term “The Great Resignation” thrown around for quite some time now, but what exactly does it mean? More importantly, what has caused this phenomenon that saw unemployment go from record breaking highs in April 2020 to a record voluntary mass exodus from jobs in 2021? What Caused This? The root […]
5 Benefits to Negotiate Other Than Salary
When you receive an offer letter for a new job, excitement sets in – as it should. Congrats! Take a breath and give yourself at least 24 hours before responding, to get yourself in the right mindset for negotiation. Yes, you have to negotiate the job offer. When you receive a new job offer, it’s […]