Employers of Portland Oregon
If you have a job opening and are looking for an ideal candidate, we can help. Our email job postings are sent to over 4,000 Portland-area professionals that have a range of skills from sales and marketing to technical and graphic design. Experience ranges from recent graduates to seasoned executives.
We offer two tiers for job postings. Every individual job posting will be listed on MindShare’s website and Tuesday morning weekly emails for the 30 days the post is live. If you choose the individual job posting with social media exposure, your posting will get 1 LinkedIn Group post (12,000+ members), 1 Facebook post (60+ members), and 3 Tweets (3,800+ followers).
Pricing Structure:
- Individual Posting on the Website Only: Free
- Volunteer Posting on the Website Only: Free
- Internship Posting on the Website Only: Free
- Individual Posting in Newsletter Featured Position: $39
- Individual Posting on Social Media Accounts: $50
- Up to 10 Postings on Social Media: $599
Purchase a package here. Login to create an account to post a job, and you can view all of our job postings here. Email us with any questions you might have!
Potential Employees
If you’re looking for employment, you have a few options: sign up for our weekly newsletter to see the most current job listings, check out our job postings page or visit our forum at LinkedIn. To apply for a job please follow the employers’ instructions on the job posting, and please let them know where you found the job listing!
If you’re just starting to look for a job, or feel like you’re at the end of your rope in your search, you may want to read these two articles to help give you inspiration, guidance, and focus:
– Ten Secrets to Getting Your Dream Job
– Referral-based Networking, Portland Style
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, contact us on our about us page.