Are you happy? If not, why?

Happiness is something I’ve been thinking about quite a bit recently. Stuff. Life. Responsibilities. They all get in the way and have a tendency to bring us down. Effect our happiness. How we process all this “stuff” has its impacts. Additionally, I truly believe portraying our clichéd Debbie Downer & Negative Nancy attitudes on a regular basis can not only have negative reactions from those we interact with each day, it can also adversely alter how you feel. Friends, co-workers and even family may not want to interact with you much resulting in a greater impact on your happiness, and add to the other factors making you unhappy.

This is just a never-ending cycle that has to be stopped.

How do we stop it?
Be honest with yourself. What factors in your life are bringing you down? Come on, be honest. What are they? Sure, we all have things we don’t have control over, but I bet we all have an arsenal of things we can and have the ability to CHANGE.

It’s kind of like the advice given to John Cusack’s character, Lane Myers, in the movie Better off Dead when he is learning to ski the challenging K-12: “If something gets in your way, turn.” If something gets in your way, brings you down, change!

You are responsible for you. How you live each day and face the world and all its challenges is completely up to you. Your choices = your happiness or lack of. Don’t like your job? Do something about it. There are so many great resources out there to help you find something you love, or maybe just having a more positive attitude can change things. Do you complain about the weather every day whether it’s raining or not? Don’t! See the beauty in what each day has to offer. Do you take people for granted? When it comes to my husband, I find that it’s incredible he wants to spend each day with me and try and tell him frequently I appreciate him. Co-workers you don’t like? Be nice. Smile and kill them with kindness. Finances are tough? You want more than you have already? Trolling Facebook and feel your friends have it better? Think of what you can do to make things better and be positive. Don’t forget that exercise and fresh air can do a world of good!

It would be nice if there was a one size fits all solution to making everyone happy, but when it comes down to it, it’s up to YOU and how you choose to live each day. Do you want to spend your days dwelling on the negative or relishing in all the positive! You make the choice.