Meet Kent Lewis & see why you should attend pdxMindShare

Kent Lewis started pdxMindShare 15 years ago. His intentions were to give career-focused individuals a way to network with professionals. He built in the career-focused workshops as a way for attendees to take away information that would be helpful in job searches, promotions, career advancement or career changes. Topics can include networking, personal branding, interviewing, LinkedIn strategies, resume tips and more. pdxMindShare, held on the 3rd Wednesday each month in downtown Portland, attracts dozens of professionals who are constantly learning new ways to reach their career goals at our workshops with the opportunity to expand their Portland connections at the networking event that follows.

Kent will be speaking at MindShare on Wednesday, June 18th about Building your personal brand through social media. Following, you can learn a little about him and why he thinks you shouldn’t miss this event. We hope to see you! It’s 4:30PM at Trader Vic’s in Portland.

Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m an agency marketing guy by education and trade. I started out in the world of public relations and transitioned into digital marketing in 1996 when I started optimizing websites. Soon after, I started building teams at various agencies. I co-founded my first agency in 1999, then again in 2002. I founded pdxMindShare in 1999 and Anvil in 2000 and have maintained a leadership role in both since. I enjoy speaking and teaching and have been an adjunct professor at PSU since 1999.

What will you be covering in your presentation?
Based on my own personal experience building my brand and that of my clients’, I’m going to talk through 11 steps to build your personal brand via social media. It will be both high level strategic concepts and tactical steps you can implement immediately.

Why should Portland professionals attend?
I know a handful of people in Portland that are truly experts at building their personal brand. Everyone else will benefit from attending to build their brand and future.

What are the top 3 takeaways for attendees?
While I won’t beat anyone over the head about the importance of building a brand, I will spend a good deal of time on the How. Attendees will be able to take immediate actionable steps in regards to profile optimization, content and online networking strategies.