February’s MindShare event was great! Over 50 Portland professionals came out to Trader Vic’s to see Kent Lewis, Founder of pdxMindShare and President & CEO of Anvil, present on building your online brand through the use of social media in just 15 minutes a day. He showed lots of tips and tricks on how you can make your presence well known on platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. We were also excited to introduce our new corporate sponsor, Vitamin T, who was just honored Best in Staffing for the Client & Talent Categories from Inavero for the third year straight.
The networking component was also quite lively with lots of new and regular attendees.
Each month, we host a career-focused workshop and networking event at Trader Vic’s in downtown Portland that is open to anyone to attend. The workshop kicks off at 4:30PM and the networking event begins at 5:30PM. It’s also free and no RSVP is required. You can attend just one of the components or both. Next month, on on March 17th, we are excited to have first time speaker Chris Bartell from Super Powers Academy. He will present on unleashing your super powers with a personal branding workshop that will help you craft a power-packed elevator picth people will remember. We hope to see you all then! Reach out to Shannon if you have any questions!
Here is Kent’s presentation in case you missed it or want a refresher!