1945 NW Quimby St
Portland, OR 97209
Join us for our last regular event of 2016 where Kim Morrison will be getting us ready to rock an interview. As someone who has conducted many, many interviews, she will share her experiences with attendees on how to ace yours and get the job you’ve wanted.
Kim will speak about experiences in being a hiring manager, what goes on behind the scenes, and how interviewer’s think. She will also share tips on how to rock your interviews! Some of the nuances of interviewing and hiring that will be included are things such as: how HR processes candidates if they are involved, how is hiring for a small company different than a large corporation, and what goes through and interviewer’s mind in terms of how they prepare and what they are looking for. This presentation will also be full of hints and ideas about how to shine in the interview, make the time work for you, how to prepare, and what to pay attention to. Attendees will leave knowing more about the process and the nuances of hiring.
Don’t forget we’ll have networking after the presentation starting at 5:30PM. It’s a free event, no RSVP required, and everyone is welcome!
Please email Shannon with any questions!