6 Things to Do If You’re Laid Off During COVID-19

We’re in an uncertain time and many companies are having to make cutbacks to reduce expenses. Unfortunately, one of those cutbacks is to staff. Several people are losing their jobs and they’re left wondering, “what now?” We all feel a little lost at the moment. We’re all looking for some answers to our laundry list […]

Upcoming pdxMindShare Events!

We’ve been busy at pdxMindShare lining up great speakers for our monthly career-focused workshop and networking events, and we have some dynamite topics and presenters on the horizon! As a reminder, all of our events happen on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Our location is going to change since our friends at Trader Vic’s […]

Meet Jane, pdxMindShare’s January Speaker!

We at pdxMindShare are about to kick off our 2015 season of monthly career-focused workshops and networking events. Each event has different workshop speakers, experts in his or her field,  addressing topics designed to help professionals advance their careers whether it be securing a job, new position, career change or even a promotion. The idea […]

Meet Terry “Starbucker” St. Marie, MindShare’s November Speaker

pdxMindShare hosts its monthly career-focused workshop & networking event at Trader Vic’s in downtown Portland on November 19th. This will be the last traditional event of the year, and it’s going to be a great one! Each month, we like to bring in speakers to inspire and educate attendees to help them achieve their career goals, whether […]