Kent Lewis, Anvil & pdxMindShare Founder, Shares Career Resources

Since 1999, I’ve helped students and professionals build their careers through pdxMindShare. I never turn down a coffee meeting to learn individuals’ stories and goals and offer my advice and experience. While long overdue, I felt it was time to create a blog post incorporating helpful links to those looking to enhance their careers in […]

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It’s a Wrap! What a Great 2016, pdxMindShare!

What a year it’s been! From losing our long-time venue and friends at Trader Vic’s and trying out some new locations like Ecliptic and Touché before landing at the Lucky Lab on Quimby, to the excellent people I get to see each month, I couldn’t be more touched with the MindShare group. Each month, our […]

Meet Chris Bartell, March’s MindShare Speaker!

We are always looking forward to the next pdxMindShare event. Who wouldn’t? We have great speakers present during the career-focused workshop on ways in which you can improve your career or tips on landing a new job, and then we get to network with dozens of Portland professionals. There’s always a great mix of new […]